Friday, March 23, 2012

Dog Ghosts......

Dog Day!

Yes, That is a silly greeting, and it matches my silly outlook today- I say "silly" because I feel somehow this mood is in congruent with my topic, which is how we perceive seeing or feeling glimpses of our long gone pets.

It is not to say that a dog ghost could not exist, I have experienced human ghosts--maybe they are souls not yet gone beyond, still lingering here among us. Dogs, well, all animals have souls, so yes, it could happen that some unfinished biz or a friendly visitation from a beloved pet might rattle or surprise you!

Since little Frodo crossed over, it has been very still and quiet, really no sign of him....yet, I do see him in my minds eye dancing around in circles to procure a treat or prancing along the sidewalk his short black legs stiff and hardly touching the ground with each step! I will hear a dog barking and think it is him.....memories that linger make it seem like he is still here with us. I guess that is his gift to us- these sweet glimpses that endear us to life and the wonderful relationships we form with all beings.

Does the relationship end because of death? I think not, it changes- but I believe we are still learning and relating to the experience we had, which can grow  or form into other realizations. Frodo, like many other canine friends I've known, keeps me in touch with the devotional aspect dogs carry so well. They simply are loyal; the many joyful moments we spend with them as loving beings can never be truly lost, it is inside us forever.

If one heart is opened by the love we share, the world is that much better! Keep your heart open to life and the special gift of relating, it grows on ya- let it shine.

Thanks and kudos to Peanut, Patou, Bo-Jo, Barefoot and Frodo- I remember you dear friends!

 Frodo guarding BBboy

Be good doggone it!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

dog nose it all

Ginger Love in her favorate place-- The Beach
Good day species of the human kine!   

I hope this day finds you well and good. My dog antics here in Los Angeles have brought me closer than ever to making a commitment to be of service to the community through animal/guardian consultations and teaching on the subject of animal communication and connection. The dog nose has sniffed out that it is time to help us all become closer and more aware of the important link between us da kine and the animals. Think Dr. Doolittle!

I would like to let you all know I am available in this capacity as Dr. Doomore........the potential is infinite when the doors open wide and we share love and wisdom information between species. I am a lifetime communicator of knowledge systems- with animals, people and the plant kingdom. Although my formal training in working with animals has just begun, I have 20 years of experience helping people shift their life choices in healthy and positive ways. Psychic readings, Shiatsu, Tai-Chi, Asian five-element diagnosis, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Spiritual Counseling have been the mode in which I have worked, using herbs, diet and nutrition and a large dose of love as the medium for healing.

Now, as I finish my graduate program in Health Psychology, it is clear to me that the ultimate healing is achieved through our sincere connection to all sentient beings as empathic, compassionate and aware souls. The very preciousness of life itself motivates me to assist others in bridging the gaps in our consciousness: For me that means honoring all living things! Animals have a higher intelligence that is right brain oriented, in other words, they do not analyze- they feel and sense. I think we have something to learn from that example, as humans are mostly left brain oriented. It's time to balance out and reconnect with right brain activity, like engaging in sensory influenced behavior- like the creative endeavors of artists and cooks, by exercise and play too.

So, like a dog- play more, sleep more, experience the present moment more and feel more. It's a dogs life!

For consultations with Jane aka Peach O'Neill:
insight on animals~
Behavior issues
Communication axis
Health and wellness

808 463-2150

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Jane the dog lady-- chow- chow!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Dog Dish

Frodo sun bathing!
Hello Animal Lovers!  

This week the unthinkable happened, a family pet died unexpectedly. These crossings from life to death are challenging to us human guardians, not only because we mourn the loss of a beloved companion or teacher animal, but also because we may not be able to comprehend what the animal afterlife is composed of. In my estimation, any being with a soul never really dies, the body is shed- yet, the spirit or soul moves after physical death into a timeless existence that knows no bounds, and is all knowing and seeing. It may be comforting to put the death of a close animal friend in this perspective, as with humans we can communicate to them, on a psychic level or in prayer --which may be helpful in moving through the grieving process. We want to know that our loved one is safe and happy after crossing over, so it is natural to find closure and a sense of peace by reaching out to communicate.

I find it remarkable that two days after completing a workshop on animal communication with Lori Spagna Frodo our little black teacup Chihuahua, left his physical form. Frodo was a special little friend, who was adopted by my my son-in law and daughter from his first guardian- another family member. Frodo was young, and had been very active in his role of late as protector of the new baby and of the house in general. He was well cared for and loved the daily walks with the baby and his nighttime walks with my son in-law. Therefore it came as quite a shock to us all that he suddenly left "by accident". Of course, because I don't believe in accidents, and because he left when in my care, I found it very important to share what my perceptions were concerning Frodo's timing. I had a strong sense that he was on a mission that day, that he was sure of what he was doing, and where he needed to go- into another dimension. He communicated to me that he was happy and safe in this new realm, and conveyed to me a feeling of freedom that he enjoyed in it.

 Needless to say, this was my experience of the event, and even so- it is no small comfort when I see that he is no longer with us in body, and I feel the empty space and hush in the house now that he has moved on. It is painful to let go, that is human. We remember him as active and youthful and now he is just doggone!! The shock may have a lot to do with how challenging it feels right now too. Being patient with ourselves, taking care to avoid the triggers of blame and guilt that so often accompany death of  a dear one is vital as well. I gave Frodo a bit of Star of Bethlehem, for shock to help ease his transition before he crossed, and have continued to take the Bach Flower remedy myself, along with Elm, which helps with overwhelm.

 How did I communicate with Frodo during these events that have so changed both his life and ours? All I can share with you is simply that I had a vision or picture in my inner eye of him, and got a sense of his movements and purpose, shortly before and after his crossing. I asked permission to connect with him first and foremost, out of respect for his process and then received a clear sense that he had some urgent business in some "other" realm, that it was all good and that he was not gone per se, just removed. To backup and confirm these visions I did a reading in which the dolphin card and an amicable parting of ways card came up. I also asked for some help and support from a friend who took the animal communication workshop with me. She confirmed my information on Frodo with her check-in on the situation, which was very relieving. Thanks friend!

This week was a true example to me of how our lives are interconnected. It just so happens Lori S. will be teaching a drop-in class on Animals in the Afterlife next week here in Los Angeles- close by! Accidents, nah!
I miss Frodo very much, he is a sweet loving animal who I am happy to have been given time to know. I lit a candle for him, in honor of him and his selfless service to our family during his life. I placed some special

belongings of his out too, because I want to remember his place in my life and want to thank him for showing me that death is a journey, and is not a final or static experience. Well, that was my lesson- Rest in Peace Frodo. 

BBboy with Frodo
Love the animals!          

Be good,