Sunday, March 11, 2012

dog nose it all

Ginger Love in her favorate place-- The Beach
Good day species of the human kine!   

I hope this day finds you well and good. My dog antics here in Los Angeles have brought me closer than ever to making a commitment to be of service to the community through animal/guardian consultations and teaching on the subject of animal communication and connection. The dog nose has sniffed out that it is time to help us all become closer and more aware of the important link between us da kine and the animals. Think Dr. Doolittle!

I would like to let you all know I am available in this capacity as Dr. Doomore........the potential is infinite when the doors open wide and we share love and wisdom information between species. I am a lifetime communicator of knowledge systems- with animals, people and the plant kingdom. Although my formal training in working with animals has just begun, I have 20 years of experience helping people shift their life choices in healthy and positive ways. Psychic readings, Shiatsu, Tai-Chi, Asian five-element diagnosis, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Spiritual Counseling have been the mode in which I have worked, using herbs, diet and nutrition and a large dose of love as the medium for healing.

Now, as I finish my graduate program in Health Psychology, it is clear to me that the ultimate healing is achieved through our sincere connection to all sentient beings as empathic, compassionate and aware souls. The very preciousness of life itself motivates me to assist others in bridging the gaps in our consciousness: For me that means honoring all living things! Animals have a higher intelligence that is right brain oriented, in other words, they do not analyze- they feel and sense. I think we have something to learn from that example, as humans are mostly left brain oriented. It's time to balance out and reconnect with right brain activity, like engaging in sensory influenced behavior- like the creative endeavors of artists and cooks, by exercise and play too.

So, like a dog- play more, sleep more, experience the present moment more and feel more. It's a dogs life!

For consultations with Jane aka Peach O'Neill:
insight on animals~
Behavior issues
Communication axis
Health and wellness

808 463-2150

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Jane the dog lady-- chow- chow!

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