Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dogs in Hell?

Anubus, Egyptian Dog God of Underworld

Ever heard of dog heaven? Well, believe it or not, dog hell, while lesser known for obvious reasons, indeed does exist! Dogs have played numerous roles throughout human history, yet, while I assume 'dog heaven' to be a place where things are oky-doky enough, what goes on down under in a dogs life? Actually, dogs have made a very good name for themselves as protectors of the underworld. From Cerberes, the two headed dog who guards the entry to Hades realm--to the dog whom accompanied Yudhishthira on his last journey before facing his maker, Dharma in the Indian Classic epic, "The Mahabharata"; dogs just seem to know the deeper side and in-paths, like nobodies bizness.

Hey, when it's my time, It would be super to be guided through the journey, dog by my side. Sweet! They can see beyond the beyond. They know the ins and outs of the afterlife, and you can bet your sweet life they will stick by you through thick and thin: Loyalty is a given. In mythology, the dog represents Earth, Water and Moon, as much in terms of the unconscious or subconscious--the hidden aspects are their forte.

Every culture has a dog story, most are very old and connect to rites of passage. Dogs hold the realms of the unknown right between their teeth; As psychopomps, they appear to save the day in many a myth. As Anubus, Thoth, Hecate or Hermes-- dogs act as intermediaries between the two worlds, and as spokesmen  for the living to question the dead and the underworld deities. They were often buried as a sacrifice with the Master to help him to cross into the "eternal house of the dead".

Being 'thrown to the dogs', was a real practice in Persia and Bactria; the sick, dying and old were thought to benefit spiritually by doing so! Whoa...that's a bit heavy. On a lighter note, dogs guard the holy gates in Egyptian art, and had the duty of 'imprisoning and destroying the enemies of light'. This brings to mind the Foo-Dogs of Ancient China, of which I have a pair sitting at my front door. They have been with me through the various houses I have lived in on Maui--and do a very good job of keeping the RIF-RAF out!

Dogs are also mythically associated with creation stories, fire was first sparked by the dog hero--as was human life! This may explain how the phrase, 'It's all gone to the dogs' came from; down to the base, the ground zero of existence, down to nothing. The beginning and end of all things. The start of the agrarian cycle was linked with the dog culture as well. In Japan, dog figures protect children and assist women in childbirth. If only I had known this sooner.....

I could go on, the research on dog symbols, deities and the engagement with human and spiritual life and after-life is exhausting. I'm just dog tired! While the poles of thought that surround dogs is extreme (in some cultures dogs are seen as dirty scoundrels!), the role that they have played, covering all spectrum's of human evolution is huge. The most telling I think, is the analogy the early alchemists and 'philosophers' used to symbolize the purification of gold by antimony: The dog devoured by the wolf.  Both aspects, dog-wolf portray the sage-saint, who in self- sacrifice (eats the ego) and finally reaches spiritual self-mastery. Doggone! That's pretty cool.

Of course, dogs are handy companions nowadays, defenders of the home and hearth- they get us up off the couch and into the world of parks and beaches, where we find joy in exercising 'them'. But who would ever think that they too have other dimensional relationships and purpose, beyond laying on the front porch in the sun? Looking into my Ginger's eyes, I know for sure--her and Roxy and Mattie are much more than mere dogs; they are all carrying on a tradition that out lives many other traditions in human culture, that of caring and sacrifice for the benefit of us, our species. Thanks girls! Canines rock.

Yes, I know, Dog spelled backwards is God.

As Always, in dog we trust,
     Dogs in Nepal are honored with a "holy day" every year.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

About Peter the Dog

"I'm on my way to happiness, where I can find some peace and rest"

Peter Tosh 1944-1987
Aloha nui loa,

The things that got left behind in the fire: Dear Peter! Alright, I realize that by now most of you are itchin' to find out how any of this story correlates with two dogs and who the hell is Peter? We only just found out ourselves. Quite by accident actually. The mystery of Buddy- formerly know as the dog Tosh, became revealed to my son-in law Sean this very week. Yes, kind and patient folks, this information is hot off the presses!

It seems Tosh had a twin brother-Peter! Sean bumped into the guy who rescued Tosh (now Buddy) from an East L.A shelter, and he spilled the beans......Tosh was picked up on the streets of the city along with some other dogs and his twin, Peter. We hear they were a gang. Tosh was scheduled to be put down the next day or so--because he was deemed too afraid, and they felt he was unadoptable!!!! Peter didn't make it.
 When the rescuer in question, went in to the "cell" to visit Tosh, the poor thing jumped right up into his lap. I found this same "unadoptable" dog 7 days or so later at the high end, yuppy adoption store in West L.A.!!! HuH! Me thinks that Tosh wanted to live-on! He found his out, and reinvented himself to boot!.......

The question still remains, however, how poor Peter "Didn't make it"? Was he fatality shot in the county round- up of these "gang" dogs? Did he die of disease, malnutrition? Was he also too scared from the ordeal, and put down.? It is sad, that's all, and we will probablyy never know for sure what really happened to Peter. Yet, it does explain alot about Tosh's behavior.

 He is very versatile and outgoing with other dogs and most people, he loves to play, is super loving and has a fox like quality about him, mischievous! He seems to be always searching for this lost sibling, he wants to greet everydog, sniff down every scent. He is often nervous and distracted, wanting to chew and find things to get into. I think he misses Peter! And doesn't know what to do without his constant companion and playmate. Yes, it makes sense that he had a missing piece to his story, the restlessness could be due to many things, it is true; his young age, the breed--or his trauma and loss. I don't like to anthropomorphisise animals-- yet, their history and ours has been linked for over 35 thousand years. Like it or not, we are in a symbiotic relationship with Canines. Part of us is in them, and vis a versa! Whether we fear dogs, love them or are indifferent, our cellular memory is coded, we evolved together. We share important information.

In light of this long history together, I would like to offer some food for thought....The culture of dogs is growing, more people than ever want dogs and have either gone to great lengths to buy them, or are rescuing them. Why the surge in dog ownership? Is it a return to our humanity, caring for and empathizing with the overpopulation of dogs? If so, what does your dog bring to your life and quality thereof? What has been missing that was realized by bringing a dog home? And lastly, why is our society (stores, cafes and public places) so very anti- dog and becoming stricter, while we as owners want our dogs with us more and more?

Peter and Tosh grew up together somewhere in a rough part of town, Tosh came out the other side as a remarkably aware and open pup--loving his new life, adapting to a myriad of circumstances and, in the end, being an exceptional pet. Peter became the martyr, the pup we will miss, because he was a part of Tosh's past and helped to shape him, yet we will never really know how. I have a feeling though, that they must have been something, those two twins, running around East L.A. kicking up the dust!

Here's to you Peter, all that and more! P.S. Peter Tosh was born a McIntosh! I neva knew!

A Hui hou!

"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die" -P.Tosh

 Peter & Tosh?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Peter Tosh and Two Dogs: part 2

"I"ve got to pick myself upDust myself offAnd start all over again".......
......Peter Tosh 1944-1987
Aloha Nui loa,

Those of you unfamiliar with the likes of the late Peter Tosh, are missing a huge piece of this story. A piece I had to find out on my own, through a conversation with a baker at Canter's Deli on Fairfax, in L.A. I had taken Tosh out for a walk, shortly after his adoption, and decided to stop at the deli -near my eldest daughters house. I desperately needed to get a double capp. and a treat. You know how that is.... Cautiously and with some reserve I tied Tosh up to the little iron fence outside; he could see me through the window about 3ft. inside ordering: I could see him too. He was OK with it all, I was a bit nervous.

At the bakery counter, I ordered my stuff (Canter's has a huge selection) and was ready to slip back out to release Tosh, and mosey on, when the baker noticed him sitting patiently by the window and asked his name.When I told him he said, "Oh- that's cool, did you name him after Peter?" I said, "Huh?", after which he told me the short version of the tale of folk hero/martyr musician-Peter Tosh. I was touched. The puppy got a baked bagel treat on top of it too! Just for his sweet countenance during the wait out front. Nice guy. Hate to say though, Tosh preferred my soft and flaky, buttery apple danish better, so I gave him a bit. I know, I know...people food is BAD for dogs. Still, nobody has apparently told them about this......they just keep on asking for it- no matter what! Anyway......

Peter Tosh, as the baker explained, had a message and a medium with which to voice it, and like other brave young musicians of the time (70's), he died an untimely death. No not to drugs, to the gun--he was murdered. You could say he was the black people's John Lennon. I hope that doesn't sound racist! They were both willing to speak truth, and were martyred for their beliefs: "To have the truth in your possession you can be found guilty, sentenced to death"- Peter Tosh. Anyway....Wow! It was cool to find out that Tosh was named after this historical figure. Now, I felt even closer to him, knowing he represented an ideal. Oh- these poor doggies, what we put on them is sometimes too much to bear! Well, Tosh didn't seem to mind all the glory, he actually revelled in it--always walked head held high, tail up, grinning. He always made direct eye contact with the people and dogs we would meet on the street. He was always happy, always wanted to say hi--to everybody, he just exuded joy: It was contagious and everyone pretty much adored him, if they happened to have the time to look back. L.A. is a busy town, but, they do love their dogs!

Getting to know this dog, I got the feeling that he was much more than fur and teeth alone--his spirit was huge! OK, I suppose I should also point out that he was very willful, and determined to get his way. Dauchie traits! He always pulled me around like a rag- doll when we went dogwalking. The truth is, it felt more like peoplewalking, or running the marathon, going out with Tosh! We only found out later, when he was let free at the beach, that he loves to run. And man, can he run! Like a bullet. The beauty of it was, that he always came scampering back to join us (unless he was running free for toooo long). Tosh was a true free spirit. If given a taste of independence, he would take advantage and push the boundaries. It is understandable, just not tolerable! Who wants to go chasing after a little foxy dog? He acquired selective hearing as well!!!! Urgh.

Getting back to the end of part 1; When the other shoe had to do with just this issue, boundaries. I had assumed that getting Tosh back home with me to Maui wouldn't be a problem, the long delay had been dropped years ago, and I had heard it was much easier and painless to bring dogs over--Well, not quite! Talking with a friend on the island, she mentioned that I had been misinformed!!!! Panic, Panic and more Panic ensued. I held up my high hopes, but it didn't last long; by the end of the two weeks since bringing baby home, the bad news had been confirmed: Dogs are only allowed entry into the Hawaiian Islands after a four month quarantine--either in the home State (at home after shots) or under lock and key in Honolulu!

 My heart sank. It felt like another death, I couldn't lose Tosh, not now, not after all our adventures together, and healing! He had helped me snap out a depression that was looming large after my Mom's unexpected death. We were such great pals, he put a smile on my face just having him near and I loved him so much. I cried bitter, hot tears--it was just too sad to bear. My daughter, her husband and my husband all sat as still as stones, Tosh slept. Who was it that said, "Ignorance is bliss?" --Well, I was miserable.

To top it all off, I also felt so shamelessly irresponsible-- what had I done to this poor little dog! Why had I not checked this stuff out to begin with...I was so sure it was OK. Where would he was tragic! I started to go down, deep down into another depression. My dear ol ' cranky mother had just died, one of my best friends of 20 odd years had dropped me, I was supposed to be keeping up and taking my studies in Grad school seriously, and now I was losing my sweet little Tosh. It all felt hopeless. Until.....

It was suggested, by my saving grace, and dear amazing daughter, Ivy, that they would take Tosh, and either wait it out with him in Los Angeles--or keep him, if it all felt like the right thing. Really! Yes! Really. I realized then, at that moment that their was a god after all! And, her name was IVY!  Now, tears of joy and gratitude were shed, as we made the deal of a lifetime--Tosh had a spot to be, one that he already considered home, with my family away from home, the two angels; Sean and Ivy. They too, had formed a bond with the puppy during my stay with them, and knew he was very special. Their hearts had melted watching him and his antics those few weeks. It ended up to be a perfect match. Ahhhhhh......

Now, nearly four months later, Tosh has become Buddy and has a permanent home in L.A. He is very happy with his life there, and my daughter and son-in-law are loving and spoiling him to the max! I gave him over to them, I think they all have something to give each other. It was most likely part of the grand scheme anyways. Soooo......

I now have a Grandpuppy to go visit, my first! We are still very close, Buddy and I, and.... I have permission to treat him to all kinds of no- no's when I come. So far, I have been over three times, and it is always a delight to spend time with my dear doggie friend. Although, he does favor Granma (who wouldn't)--So, when I come to stay, I try very hard not to rub it in and make anyone jealous! It's a tough job. I love that little guy so much.....

Stay tuned, part 3 --the final chapter on The Peter and Tosh saga manana!

Buddy hoping to go on the trip home w/ gran!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Story of Peter and Tosh

Aloha nui loa,

Today, as I listen to and feel the warm soft Kona breezes rustle the leaves outside and drift into the hale, I know I am far-far away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles--yet, my heart is with a very dear doggie relative who lives there; a sweet puppy who goes by many names and is loved by many people. Tosh was a rescue dog, one of dozens, when I met him at a local West Side L.A. pet accessory and adoption shop.

My mom had just passed away, and I was in Los Angeles staying with my Daughter and her husband who live a block from the Bark's N' Bitches store, near Melrose and Fairfax. Well, one day, shortly after the funeral, I was feeling the pain and loss of my Mommy (no matter how old you are, she is always "Mommy"!), and missing my hounds on Maui very much too. So, I thought there would be no harm in just stepped in to see the dogs for a nice hit of doglove, pet a few heads-- you know ease the heavy heart. Well, it was a dog zoo in there! Loose dogs of all shape, color and age where racing through the joint like nobodies 
business........back and forth from the gated front door to the screened backdoor!!! I estimate about 10 or so, all rescue dogs. All happily playing, barking and scratching about.

A little more than I had bargained for, but, I spied a spot to sit towards the back and made my way slowly, to a cushioned chair. No sooner had I sat, then a little red dog sat too..right in my lap! Ohhh yes, he was adorable! He looked up at me, with hazel bright eyes, and with a quick lick to my face, claimed me as his prize. Yes, he was grinning, contentedly and assuredly stationed in the "To Go" line! Which just happened to be on my lap! We became fast friends, kindred spirits really--he longing for a safe soft spot, and had losses of his own I was to find out later, me finding comfort in the trust this funny little fellow had given me. We sat there for awhile, just watchng the mayhem, feeling sheltered briefly, each of us in our own way; when the shop girl asked if I might like to take the dog, then known as "Tosh "out for a walk around the hood. Hmmmmm.....sure!

Yes, it was true, I was in the deep end! I took the leash, hooked him up and out we went into the world of possibilities. My heart, bleeding and all, knew with unwavering certainty that this puppy desperately needed a home. We walked--I thought, he led. We ended up at my daughter Ivy's apt. Just dropping by to say hello, uh-say, anyone need a dog around here? My Son-in-law Sean HAD been talking dog talk recently....maybe?

Sean was more than happy to greet the little fox, but came on a bit too strong, in a zealous way, and scared the daylights out of Tosh. OK, returned back to me, he was still willing to visit with Ivy, a friend and her babygirl. Ohhhhs and ahhhs coupled with "he is soo cute", "so funny", "so beautiful". No-one said, "so homeless"! On the way back to the shop, we trudged, my heart sank as I pondered how I was going to live without him, and how he would live without me! Hmmmmmmm......On impulse and for the sake of love, I adopted him.

It took less than an hour to fill out the papers, get screened and pay the bill. I was relieved, my homegirls, Roxy and Ginger on Maui would surely adore him, he was so much fun! So, we had a new dog! You know those stories about never getting a dog impulsively or at times of crisis, or during holidays. Well, I understand all that advice, it's sound...for normal people to follow. I, on the other hand am apparently "crazy", as in the "My crazy mother bought the dog!" category. One friend of my daughter did back me by saying truthfully, "Well, he is REALLY cute".

It turned out that Tosh was more than just cute, he was smart, hilariously funny and amazingly loving. We just loved each other, what else can you say!  He was my comfort, and It ended up that I was his savior, and friend too. Tosh, what a name, what a dog! We begin to wonder though...where he came from, why anyone would ever lose him or take him to the pound.  He was soo great. Housebroken, good manners, beautiful coat and he was ever so snugly--he slept with me. It was as if we had known each other forever, the bond was that close. He even looked like one of the family, the red auburn coat, long and silky, his hazel green eyes, penetrating and twinkling. We found out he was not a Chihuahua mix, as the papers stated, but a mini long haired Dachshund mix, Tosh was just under one year old. ANd we found out his vice--chewing slippas!

Everyone loved him, he shone like a little copper penny when we would take him out for a walk, greeting all Earthlings up and down and around the block with a wide smile and wagging his fluffy golden tail. He loved his kind too, and searched out dogpals large and small, to play with and sniff up. He soon became a celebrity in the blocks surrounding my Daughter's house. He was unaware of his size, brave as a Saint Bernard, he would bounce up to the bigger breeds like he owned the streets....Tosh had a home, he was safe and loved. Nothing could harm him now.

I nicknamed him Tosh B'Gosh, and then Tesla Tosh B'Gosh- MacIntosh. Meanwhile my daughter and her husband helped me get him acclimated in their home before we left for his Maui home......all was right under the sun, ......and then the other shoe dropped! Crash bang boom, of course, Tosh just wanted to chew on it!

Part two of - The Story of Tosh and Peter  vfrgtvbh (dog talk) for manana.

Stay tuned,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bygones & Dog Bones

Frigg and her hounds, search for bones.

Aloha nui loa,

Bygones and dogbones have much in common it seems. They are both a thing of the past; gone, gone- gone beyond--hopefully, ultimately transcended. What is it with dogs and their bones? I have just taken it for granted, all these years, that dogs know what they are doing when they trot out back and dig a hole. Recently, I began to wonder. Many bones seem to be lost treasures out there, laying wait in the deep dark dogs have an internal mapping system, like our GPS?  Or, is it just that much more fun, having to re-find it? Mysterious. More than likely, it is indeed the snauze, that grand sniffer, that would be the key to tracking it back, yet, I see alot of sniffing around the yard and no dirty bones. Hmmmm....

In some circles now, it is politically incorrect to give dogs bones. Something in human history that has been as habitual and time honored as giving a dog a bone, is now sadly frowned upon. It is bygone. The era is over. "Let bygones be bygones", as they say. We now has plastic and rubber dog bones, that are good for dogs. Hmmmmm....

Now that the horrifying news of bygone dog bones has spread across the land and been grokked by New Age dogs, I notice that if offered a "real" bone or if they have found one by chance at a park or beach, they just gobble them up --on the spot!

Yes, it's true! I have witnessed it myself; small, large and medium sized dogs are not wasting any time digging that sacred hole anymore, they just swallow them whole instead. It is amazing how fast those bad for dogs bones disappear. I swear, one time I just slightly turned my head away on my Grandpuppy, Buddy (a very cute, small red longhaired Dachsie), whom I had very innocently given a sturdy "real" bone to chew on--glump...gone! SCARY!!!! It was less than a quarter second! Hmmmmm....

Apparently, the truth is that animal bones can splinter and puncture a dogs insides. Yucky. This is dangerous and can injure the doggie or even kill it. Soooo......maybe this is why we have an overpopulation of dogs! Rubber and hard plastics don't take dogs down, they just taste bad! Come to think of it, maybe dogs never did really eat bones before this recent scare, they just stashed them out back. Now that it's taboo, they are freakin' out and overreacting to the threat. Dogs without like water for chocolate, or something.

Please don't think me crass, I love dogs and would never want them to be hurt, it's just that like all things human, we change our minds about what is "good" and "bad" alot. Remember when coffee, chocolate and wine were "bad for us"? Now, there's a Starbucks on every corner (coffee is good for liver function), so many chocolate bars, it gets confusing just to pick one (cocoa raises endorphin levels) and wino's are off the streets and moved into the gated communities (red wine lowers cholesterol). Hmmmmm....I'm just sticking to an apple a day for me and a "gum and teeth smart, healthy, vege, bacon scented nylabone " for my pooches--no holes in the garden no more, it's a bygone day when dogs dn' get no bones no more! They still have secrets though!

Hey, are cow hooves still kosher?

Oh- well.

Be well,

The Death of  "Dog Bone Keeper".

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Doggone Dream Life on Maui

Aloha nui loa,

G-love & Mattie- A dogs life!

Ever find a rainbow you just had to follow? Not for the gold, for the fun of it! Here On Maui, even now during the worst draught in fifty years--we have abundant rainbows. Somewhere over one of these is my dream life, a life where me and my dogs are just able to be. I know, isn't my life great already, well, yes! AND....the ultimate for me would be to just stay put 24/7 on home turf with my pack by my side. OK--a few beach walks and park excursions thrown-in would be tops too. What I mean is, why all the fuss about having to do stuff, human stuff, like work and school and shopping--urgh that darn shopping! I hear now you can order food online and have it delivered. That may be right up my alley! I am talking uninterrupted dog companionship. Seriously. My poi dogs are more than entertaining, even when they sleep I find them amusing. No, I am not crazy..only a little I guess. I want more dog time!!!!

So, here is my doggone dream life,  # 1) Never have to write a research paper ever again. #2) Never have to travel on an airplane ever again. #3) Never have to work outside my home ever again. #4) Never have to go in search of decent food to eat (ever again). And last but not least# 5) Never have to leave my dogs home alone ever again! Whew! Glad I got that out of my system....Did I mention that I like hangin' out at home with my dogs?

Maybe it's the chaos in the world around me, maybe it's my age (which I will not disclose at this time), maybe it's just sheer tiredness or maybe it's just because it feels so good to have my little puppy Matilda, chew on my fingers (she is teething), even when it hurts. Most likely it's my dream 'cause of my big girl Gingerlove, who is absolutely majestic when she sits proudly next to me as I read, looking up at me with x-ray vision (she reads my mind). But really, my doggone dream life is important to fulfill for Roxy, our first dog--who deserves all the time and attention I can give her, for she is limpy, and old and can't quite run with the other dogs anymore....but, she is still very happy (she smiles broadly), and loves to lay next to me, sleeping and dreaming her dog dreams most of the day. I'm daring myself to follow a rainbow to the end, inside the color spectrum are secrets on how to just be. Sounds fun!

be good,

  papasan being with beach dog at kanaha, maui

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Waikiki Report: City Dogs Rock!

Aloha nui loa,

Just returned from a trip to Oahu, the busy Isle! Waikiki was teaming with city dogs, mostly toy or small Chihuahua mixed breed. Local dog owners get lots of exercise by the seaside and in the many lush green parks of Honolulu. It is soooo pretty there, one of my favorite cities overall--because it is clean and populated with folks who keep themselves and pets fit. For a bustling city, the vast open spaces and parks are remarkable. People and dogs are happy, and we saw a lot of kapuna (elderly local men and women), walking with their dogs and out bussing it or shopping- the wahine kapuna are so cute, they have straw hats with bands of feathers or flowers and dress-up in Mumu's or colorful clothing, holding bright shade umbrella's as they get from place to place. Some local's carry toy dogs in straw baskets or in hand held bags.

A few bigger mixed breed canines were seen too, getting around town--we saw one Catahoula /Wired Shorthaired Terrier mix that was very handsome, spotted and roughhaired, but medium sized with those adorable Terrier ears! Another white and black Pitbull, was walking proudly with her owner near Waikiki, and a few Hula dogs (lei adorned) were also seen near the Duke at the beach in Waikiki.

High end pet couture shops were abundant, selling everything from fancy collars and leashes to pet clothing(bikini's?) for every occasion, although we did not see any "well dressed" pooches in or around the city....maybe the tourists take presents home for the pet's who got left behind!

Many hotels in Waikiki are now catering to the so called "pet vacationing" craze, with special rates and accommodations for dogs and cats. This would have had to be instigated mainly by the local inter-island travelers as dogs and cats from other places are not allowed on the Hawaiian Islands until after a four month wait(at home or in quarentine in Honolulu) and proper vaccination for rabies has been administered.

Dog culture is evident everywhere it seems, now, more than ever! Personally, I think it more stressful for the dogs who must travel via cargo, than to just stay put until the owners return. I prefer to lounge around home with my three poi dogs, taking the daily outing to the park or beach as a treat outside the norm. Some folks take their dogs right on the plane as carry -on, which might work out better, but, most airlines require that the pet be under 20 lbs. and be able to fit under the front passengers seat.
Does anyone have experience with that mode of travel? I would like to hear about your experiences in the friendly skies with your dog. Is travel as care- free as some say?

Mahalo and A hui hou!



Sunday, August 15, 2010


                                         Sundog in the kitchen-  a food hound!

Aloha nui loa,

It's Sundoggie day!

 Mattie is in the kitchen with Dina, waiting for her brunch. What a surprise! Our two kitchen dogs don't know that a new breed is forming through their undying quest for viddles! The "Foodlehound", has mixed bloodlines, and only lives in kitchens on the rug next to the stove. Light color makes them easy to see, for less tripping -over or stepping- on types of accidents. Known as a forager dog: Day and night, acting as a swiffer-- they suck up crumbs and dropped food products as they appear. This breed will become a handy dog to have around the house, keeps the floor and surrounding areas of the kitchen (fridge, trash) clean as a whistle.

The Foodlehound defends and guards aggressively, food lockers, rootcellars, the pantry and deep freeze. Foodlehounds clean-up nicely with minimal fuss in the standard size dishwasher, just add dog shampoo instead of dishwashing liquid and keep the door ajar slightly for air flow. Air-dry warm setting replaces old fashioned messy towel drying. Foodlehounds sleep excessively, but are startled by the tiniest sound of clamoring in the kitchen. Exercise hard twice daily, as a practice to prevent dog obesity. One regular to small dog feeding of only salad (no dressing) to help keep trim and healthy. This breed is an excellent choice for large families, the Italian Mama or a beginning cook--they gobble cooking flops right up! Warning!!! Do not leave trash cans or food on the counter unattended or a goat they will eat anything and everything in sight. They do climb and can jump up to 12 ft. A great pet overall, loving and content if allowed constant access to the kitchen.

My chow hounds, Matilda and Ginger are now asleep, after a brilliant brunch--one here at my feet, the other getting her tan out back......on a wonderful breezy Sundog day here on Maui!

A hui hou!~

Dina cookin' up a surprize!
                                          Jane and someone in the kitchen after Cake!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cats: the "other" animal .....I love!

Aloha nui loa,

I woke up with the distinct notion of mentioning, just to balance the score, my somewhat sketchy, yet, endearing relationship with cats. Yes, cats are the "other" animal.......  loved and adored by many; I believe also misunderstood. Cats remind me of how tenuous life is- possibly due to their proclivity for multiple lives!
Mysterious and aloof, playful and wise- cats have daunted me since I was a wee child. Maybe it was those huge eyes and flashing tail that first attracted and caused me to flirt with danger as a toddler- teasing cats IS not advised, at any age! No-one warned me against it, and you guessed it, I got nailed. I still have the scars to prove that I was indeed conquered, scratch marks AND a bite! I suppose it was an initiation of interest in cats has been mixed with fear since that time, although I admire them...only one cat became a certified member of our household all these long years: Kai Bones.

Kai was a rescue cat, my kids and I found at four months, irresistible. He was holed up at a shelter in Tucson, Arizona, where we had gone to see the doggies- just to say hello, you know a visit. As we were leaving, we swang by the cat room, where lo and behold, this proud, green eyed, long haired orange tabby was sitting in his cage waiting for us! Looking into his eyes, I fell in love! He held the essence and coloring of another absent member of our family, my son Clancy, who was living in Canada at the time. Needless to say, we broke Kai out and waited the required time to claim him after his neutering. WELL...Kai the cat did not do well after his surgery, he would not eat or drink and was very skittish and freakish. After a week or patiently feeding him by hand, out of a bottle--he was still out of it and became very,very thin. Another week later, same-same! Poor Kai had lost sight of his passion to live!!!! He was literally skin and BONES. This is when I had a little talk with him,  I said, "OK kid, you decide, live or die, your choice--I can't keep you alive if you don't help out here." Apparently, he heard me. Kai came back into his body and started to eat- became a beloved pet of the family and we found out, interestingly- liked to play in WATER! He would jump into a full bathtub, play with the water while I hosed the garden and bathe in birdbaths and waterponds...what a character! Hence the name, Kai (water) Bones.

The "other" animal, cats- are the necessary element in the dog lovers world. Cats keep dogs on their toes, befriend and defy dogs, and give us that elusive, deeper quality that dogs often lack--Independence and mystery. Dogs are loyal and forever, but, when a cat loves you it may be fleeting, yet, you know you are someone very special to even have attracted their attention.

Kai Bones skipped out on us one sad day, long ago- to find another adventure, another life or another watering hole! I will always hold him near and dear to my heart for allowing us to be a part of his life.

Here's to you Kai, and all the lives you will ever live!



Friday, August 13, 2010

From the Heart--teachings dogs share.....

Aloha nui loa,

Today I received an interesting, yet, alarming note from a facebook friend concerning my choice of topic(dogs) to blog on. He suggested that I might find a more spiritual, heartfelt topic with real meaning to spend time on! Well, I would like to answer that from my perspective: THE teaching of most importance for us humanbeings to understand and learn IS how we interact, with love and awareness towards every creature on this planet (and possibly beyond)! Personally, I cannot separate my "spiritual" life from my beliefs and actions everyday; which just so happen to include at this time, the care and devotion to my dogs and their well being. In my opinion, my relationship with animals in general, and with my dogs specifically has enhanced my capacity to love. I do feel the love they give us is extraordinary, simply because it is unconditional.

In our home, Ginger(love) is the sensitive one. She will react lovingly whenever she hears a cry of pain or anguish by running over to the victim and nuzzling, licking the wound or the face--sometimes full of tears. She stands guard until the situation is under control....I would swear she was a nurse in another time and place!
Ginger is very acute to loud voices in her environment (like shouts or yelling, arguments and even unsaid words and emotions), which has actually helped us to be more aware of  how we behave and are more kind to each other as a result. She would make a great signal dog for abusive families or couples.

All of our dogs are loving and sweet, and have shown us the incredible capacity dogs have for heartfelt symbiotic relationships--both with us and in their care and concern for each other. Temple Gradin, shows a remarkable link between the shared evolution of wolves and humans. In the last chapter of "Animals in Translation", the noted research connects our learned concern for each other and our improved hunting skills to the wolf packs that lived with early man. Now we bring home the bacon, and the wolves are now dogs who "guard the house": Yet, they have remained close to human activity, perhaps to remind us that love is
 indeed the highest teaching we can receive. Did anyone else notice the huge dog culture we live in?

So.... to my facebook friend, please--go get a dog! It will change your life for the better and your heart will open faster than any other dogma could or would.

With Aloha,

Gaze of the beloved

Thursday, August 12, 2010

News Flash!

Aloha nui loa,

Hot off the pawpaw presses....Early evening Makawao Steak House connection yesterday with Maui Animal Behaviorist, Kristen Jule !!!  This awesome lady who loves DOGS, is also an expert on topics of science and psychology. We all had a lively talk story on of course DOGS, yes! she has one....and on Temple Graden--whom she has met at conferences. WOW! I love Temple. You must read her book, "Animals in Translation" It's very forthcoming on animal behavior and human behavior, evolution of species on our planet and autistic traits shared with animals! So...meanwhile, while I am thinking it would be perfect for Kristen to join my blog as an advice columnist, wouldn't that be cool-- my puppy is acting out and I need her advice!. Kristen, can you hear me? Oh- I just hate to be soooo needy.

Morning in Kula; three dogs romping in the dew wet grass, a few power struggles--puppy has gone wiggly-piggly on us, and nearly lost a new pair of Papasans glasses to the chewmonster. Otherwise all quiet on the western front.

Until later-a hui hou,


Roxy aloha dog.

                                          When love is a squeeze--too much love?
                                                             Ms. Ginger Love, aloha dog.
Teddy comes to visit....

Teddy hangin' at the gate.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tornedo Dogs Hit Suburbs-Devastaion Ensues!

Aloha nui loa!

Today we were hit by a tornado of dogs rampaging, wildly flashing teeth and jumping up and down like popcorn through the house. So much for a peaceful cup o' tea  in the sunshine.....when dogs go mad, everybody gets swept up! Puppy instigated, and puppy maintained, we had a good quarter of an hour of what canines love to do most, be crazy animals. When we found Mattie at the shelter, her name was "Popcorn", which has certainly come to have meaning now. This puppy literally pops up and down, just like popcorn in the pot! She must have springs for legs... or a super energizer battery pack-wow!

As I write this, puppy is now calmly lying next to her heroine, Ginger-just like a little lamb! Her head resting against her pal. Popcorn is sleepy.

The "Go, Dog. Go!" book by P.D. Eastman is a must have, one of my favorites for this reason; dogs do have a very active life, and are very social creatures. Nothin' better than a good dog party to set the day off right. RIGHT? Or at night for that matter! Our family gets more kicks out of watching our dogs activities than any reality T.V. show around. I just have to crack a smile at the shenanigans that go on around here.Simply adorable and innovative.

Roxy is moving slowly today, as all the hub-bub was taking place earlier-she was hiding safely behind Papasan, waiting it out. She gives us the impression that she thinks the puppy is just another upstart hooligan
out to make trouble-well, that is pretty accurate!

I have just been handed my morning coffee, which means it's time to transition from tea mentality to coffee power get it togethernow mentality. Mojo rising.....



Matilda sleeps! Sometimes.

                                          OPPPPsss..Woke up by the smell of FOOD!

The tornado!

                                              More action in motion dogo!
Two frecklefacedogsrockin it out!

The calm after the storm.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

On Beagles.......

Aloha nui loa!
This morning, very early I might add, the Beagle in our puppy Mattie Bugled! Yes, she has a mighty voice,  although her body resembles a Catahoula, she definitely has Beagle in her bark and her face is very beaglesque! What fun!

So here we are, up with the dogs at dawn- rockin the day in.

Coffee is on, and the pack has already gotten their suntans out back, and a couple of romps around the yard too! Meanwhile Papasan Dick is teaching Puppy dearest to keep the voice down. She gets time out alone in these instances, which I am certain she uses to contemplate her misbehavior.

Ginger, our three year old Catahoula mix is playing a good role as mommy to Mattie. She is ever so patient, and LOVES to play with her new pal--they are a match made in Heaven. On the other hand, Roxy, our sexy granny, is not so willing to surrender her turf. Yes, she is a tough cookie, only slightly bending now and then- allowing Mattie to slightly touch her in passing.

Roxy is our first dog, so she does have rights, and she is the elder after all! Yet....she is a mite too grumpy- we are giving her time to adjust. Roxafarian is a terrier mix and has always been very active, playful and such-until this last year when her hips started to act up. Poor thing! She must be much older than we thought when we rescued her 5 years ago....she is slowing down and is hurting too. The vet gave us some meds and prescribed fish oil for now. It is so hard to see her age, we give her lots of love and tender care.

The day is growing, I must say Adieu.
Send me Pics of your dogs and puppies....I would love to share stories too.

In Dog We Trust,
The end~


Mattie and Ginger's best side!
Puppy wake up call.
Puppy love!
                                                Puppy pee-pee monitored by Gingerlove.                                                 

                                                          Big sis Lu and Mattie girl.
Roxy and Pookie Pup fight it out for Alpha.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Three Dog Night


On the Hawaiian islands we call Mixed breed dogs Poi dogs. Poi is a staple food here and highly rated as an ono-licious dish, made of the Taro plant, so, our three Poi dogs are also highly rated and ono to look at.

We love our freckled faced dogs, being Poi dogs, they are exceptionally smart and cute. They are part of our Ohana, but, we try to remind them that they are dogs and they remind us that WE are owned by them. In other words, they have the run of the house.

We have a new puppy, which makes it offically a three dog night here at home. Matilda (Mattie) is a rescue dog, like our other two, Roxy and Ginger. Mattie is three months old, fits in perfectly with our family, and is running the show as the alpha dog, so far!

Everyday is another adventure with our three dogs.

Mattie, her first day at home with us. (2 months)
Roxy, Ginger, and Lu at the beach.