Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tornedo Dogs Hit Suburbs-Devastaion Ensues!

Aloha nui loa!

Today we were hit by a tornado of dogs rampaging, wildly flashing teeth and jumping up and down like popcorn through the house. So much for a peaceful cup o' tea  in the sunshine.....when dogs go mad, everybody gets swept up! Puppy instigated, and puppy maintained, we had a good quarter of an hour of what canines love to do most, be crazy animals. When we found Mattie at the shelter, her name was "Popcorn", which has certainly come to have meaning now. This puppy literally pops up and down, just like popcorn in the pot! She must have springs for legs... or a super energizer battery pack-wow!

As I write this, puppy is now calmly lying next to her heroine, Ginger-just like a little lamb! Her head resting against her pal. Popcorn is sleepy.

The "Go, Dog. Go!" book by P.D. Eastman is a must have, one of my favorites for this reason; dogs do have a very active life, and are very social creatures. Nothin' better than a good dog party to set the day off right. RIGHT? Or at night for that matter! Our family gets more kicks out of watching our dogs activities than any reality T.V. show around. I just have to crack a smile at the shenanigans that go on around here.Simply adorable and innovative.

Roxy is moving slowly today, as all the hub-bub was taking place earlier-she was hiding safely behind Papasan, waiting it out. She gives us the impression that she thinks the puppy is just another upstart hooligan
out to make trouble-well, that is pretty accurate!

I have just been handed my morning coffee, which means it's time to transition from tea mentality to coffee power get it togethernow mentality. Mojo rising.....



Matilda sleeps! Sometimes.

                                          OPPPPsss..Woke up by the smell of FOOD!

The tornado!

                                              More action in motion dogo!
Two frecklefacedogsrockin it out!

The calm after the storm.


  1. Awe, what a great little play-by-play.
    Dogs do the darndest things!

  2. Thanks! Yes, it's pretty random sometimes just what happens right in front of your very eyes.

    Pic 2 eh!? ok pcakes.
