Aloha nui loa,Today, as I listen to and feel the warm soft Kona breezes rustle the leaves outside and drift into the hale, I know I am far-far away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles--yet, my heart is with a very dear doggie relative who lives there; a sweet puppy who goes by many names and is loved by many people. Tosh was a rescue dog, one of dozens, when I met him at a local West Side L.A. pet accessory and adoption shop.
My mom had just passed away, and I was in Los Angeles staying with my Daughter and her husband who live a block from the Bark's N' Bitches store, near Melrose and Fairfax. Well, one day, shortly after the funeral, I was feeling the pain and loss of my Mommy (no matter how old you are, she is always "Mommy"!), and missing my hounds on Maui very much too. So, I thought there would be no harm in just stepped in to see the dogs for a nice hit of doglove, pet a few heads-- you know ease the heavy heart. Well, it was a dog zoo in there! Loose dogs of all shape, color and age where racing through the joint like nobodies
business........back and forth from the gated front door to the screened backdoor!!! I estimate about 10 or so, all rescue dogs. All happily playing, barking and scratching about.
A little more than I had bargained for, but, I spied a spot to sit towards the back and made my way slowly, to a cushioned chair. No sooner had I sat, then a little red dog sat too..right in my lap! Ohhh yes, he was adorable! He looked up at me, with hazel bright eyes, and with a quick lick to my face, claimed me as his prize. Yes, he was grinning, contentedly and assuredly stationed in the "To Go" line! Which just happened to be on my lap! We became fast friends, kindred spirits really--he longing for a safe soft spot, and had losses of his own I was to find out later, me finding comfort in the trust this funny little fellow had given me. We sat there for awhile, just watchng the mayhem, feeling sheltered briefly, each of us in our own way; when the shop girl asked if I might like to take the dog, then known as "Tosh "out for a walk around the hood. Hmmmmm.....sure!
Yes, it was true, I was in the deep end! I took the leash, hooked him up and out we went into the world of possibilities. My heart, bleeding and all, knew with unwavering certainty that this puppy desperately needed a home. We walked--I thought, he led. We ended up at my daughter Ivy's apt. Just dropping by to say hello, uh-say, anyone need a dog around here? My Son-in-law Sean HAD been talking dog talk recently....maybe?
Sean was more than happy to greet the little fox, but came on a bit too strong, in a zealous way, and scared the daylights out of Tosh. OK, returned back to me, he was still willing to visit with Ivy, a friend and her babygirl. Ohhhhs and ahhhs coupled with "he is soo cute", "so funny", "so beautiful". No-one said, "so homeless"! On the way back to the shop, we trudged, my heart sank as I pondered how I was going to live without him, and how he would live without me! Hmmmmmmm......On impulse and for the sake of love, I adopted him.
It took less than an hour to fill out the papers, get screened and pay the bill. I was relieved, my homegirls, Roxy and Ginger on Maui would surely adore him, he was so much fun! So, we had a new dog! You know those stories about never getting a dog impulsively or at times of crisis, or during holidays. Well, I understand all that advice, it's sound...for normal people to follow. I, on the other hand am apparently "crazy", as in the "My crazy mother bought the dog!" category. One friend of my daughter did back me by saying truthfully, "Well, he is REALLY cute".
It turned out that Tosh was more than just cute, he was smart, hilariously funny and amazingly loving. We just loved each other, what else can you say! He was my comfort, and It ended up that I was his savior, and friend too. Tosh, what a name, what a dog! We begin to wonder though...where he came from, why anyone would ever lose him or take him to the pound. He was soo great. Housebroken, good manners, beautiful coat and he was ever so snugly--he slept with me. It was as if we had known each other forever, the bond was that close. He even looked like one of the family, the red auburn coat, long and silky, his hazel green eyes, penetrating and twinkling. We found out he was not a Chihuahua mix, as the papers stated, but a mini long haired Dachshund mix, Tosh was just under one year old. ANd we found out his vice--chewing slippas!
Everyone loved him, he shone like a little copper penny when we would take him out for a walk, greeting all Earthlings up and down and around the block with a wide smile and wagging his fluffy golden tail. He loved his kind too, and searched out dogpals large and small, to play with and sniff up. He soon became a celebrity in the blocks surrounding my Daughter's house. He was unaware of his size, brave as a Saint Bernard, he would bounce up to the bigger breeds like he owned the streets....Tosh had a home, he was safe and loved. Nothing could harm him now.
I nicknamed him Tosh B'Gosh, and then Tesla Tosh B'Gosh- MacIntosh. Meanwhile my daughter and her husband helped me get him acclimated in their home before we left for his Maui home......all was right under the sun, ......and then the other shoe dropped! Crash bang boom, of course, Tosh just wanted to chew on it!
Part two of - The Story of Tosh and Peter vfrgtvbh (dog talk) for manana.
Stay tuned,
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