This morning, very early I might add, the Beagle in our puppy Mattie Bugled! Yes, she has a mighty voice, although her body resembles a Catahoula, she definitely has Beagle in her bark and her face is very beaglesque! What fun!
So here we are, up with the dogs at dawn- rockin the day in.
Coffee is on, and the pack has already gotten their suntans out back, and a couple of romps around the yard too! Meanwhile Papasan Dick is teaching Puppy dearest to keep the voice down. She gets time out alone in these instances, which I am certain she uses to contemplate her misbehavior.
Ginger, our three year old Catahoula mix is playing a good role as mommy to Mattie. She is ever so patient, and LOVES to play with her new pal--they are a match made in Heaven. On the other hand, Roxy, our sexy granny, is not so willing to surrender her turf. Yes, she is a tough cookie, only slightly bending now and then- allowing Mattie to slightly touch her in passing.
Roxy is our first dog, so she does have rights, and she is the elder after all! Yet....she is a mite too grumpy- we are giving her time to adjust. Roxafarian is a terrier mix and has always been very active, playful and such-until this last year when her hips started to act up. Poor thing! She must be much older than we thought when we rescued her 5 years ago....she is slowing down and is hurting too. The vet gave us some meds and prescribed fish oil for now. It is so hard to see her age, we give her lots of love and tender care.
The day is growing, I must say Adieu.
Send me Pics of your dogs and puppies....I would love to share stories too.
In Dog We Trust,
The end~
Big sis Lu and Mattie girl.
Roxy and Pookie Pup fight it out for Alpha.
What cuties!