The things that got left behind in the fire: Dear Peter! Alright, I realize that by now most of you are itchin' to find out how any of this story correlates with two dogs and who the hell is Peter? We only just found out ourselves. Quite by accident actually. The mystery of Buddy- formerly know as the dog Tosh, became revealed to my son-in law Sean this very week. Yes, kind and patient folks, this information is hot off the presses!
It seems Tosh had a twin brother-Peter! Sean bumped into the guy who rescued Tosh (now Buddy) from an East L.A shelter, and he spilled the beans......Tosh was picked up on the streets of the city along with some other dogs and his twin, Peter. We hear they were a gang. Tosh was scheduled to be put down the next day or so--because he was deemed too afraid, and they felt he was unadoptable!!!! Peter didn't make it.
When the rescuer in question, went in to the "cell" to visit Tosh, the poor thing jumped right up into his lap. I found this same "unadoptable" dog 7 days or so later at the high end, yuppy adoption store in West L.A.!!! HuH! Me thinks that Tosh wanted to live-on! He found his out, and reinvented himself to boot!.......
The question still remains, however, how poor Peter "Didn't make it"? Was he fatality shot in the county round- up of these "gang" dogs? Did he die of disease, malnutrition? Was he also too scared from the ordeal, and put down.? It is sad, that's all, and we will probablyy never know for sure what really happened to Peter. Yet, it does explain alot about Tosh's behavior.
He is very versatile and outgoing with other dogs and most people, he loves to play, is super loving and has a fox like quality about him, mischievous! He seems to be always searching for this lost sibling, he wants to greet everydog, sniff down every scent. He is often nervous and distracted, wanting to chew and find things to get into. I think he misses Peter! And doesn't know what to do without his constant companion and playmate. Yes, it makes sense that he had a missing piece to his story, the restlessness could be due to many things, it is true; his young age, the breed--or his trauma and loss. I don't like to anthropomorphisise animals-- yet, their history and ours has been linked for over 35 thousand years. Like it or not, we are in a symbiotic relationship with Canines. Part of us is in them, and vis a versa! Whether we fear dogs, love them or are indifferent, our cellular memory is coded, we evolved together. We share important information.
In light of this long history together, I would like to offer some food for thought....The culture of dogs is growing, more people than ever want dogs and have either gone to great lengths to buy them, or are rescuing them. Why the surge in dog ownership? Is it a return to our humanity, caring for and empathizing with the overpopulation of dogs? If so, what does your dog bring to your life and quality thereof? What has been missing that was realized by bringing a dog home? And lastly, why is our society (stores, cafes and public places) so very anti- dog and becoming stricter, while we as owners want our dogs with us more and more?
Peter and Tosh grew up together somewhere in a rough part of town, Tosh came out the other side as a remarkably aware and open pup--loving his new life, adapting to a myriad of circumstances and, in the end, being an exceptional pet. Peter became the martyr, the pup we will miss, because he was a part of Tosh's past and helped to shape him, yet we will never really know how. I have a feeling though, that they must have been something, those two twins, running around East L.A. kicking up the dust!
Here's to you Peter, all that and more! P.S. Peter Tosh was born a McIntosh! I neva knew!
A Hui hou!
"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die" -P.Tosh
Very cute!