Monday, August 9, 2010

Three Dog Night


On the Hawaiian islands we call Mixed breed dogs Poi dogs. Poi is a staple food here and highly rated as an ono-licious dish, made of the Taro plant, so, our three Poi dogs are also highly rated and ono to look at.

We love our freckled faced dogs, being Poi dogs, they are exceptionally smart and cute. They are part of our Ohana, but, we try to remind them that they are dogs and they remind us that WE are owned by them. In other words, they have the run of the house.

We have a new puppy, which makes it offically a three dog night here at home. Matilda (Mattie) is a rescue dog, like our other two, Roxy and Ginger. Mattie is three months old, fits in perfectly with our family, and is running the show as the alpha dog, so far!

Everyday is another adventure with our three dogs.

Mattie, her first day at home with us. (2 months)
Roxy, Ginger, and Lu at the beach.


  1. all I want to know is more on these incredible dogs and their great owners or ownees!

  2. Alrighty then, stay posted--I do dailies!

    Thanks for tuning -in,

